Thursday, May 27, 2010


1. I really want to see the new movies Knight and Day and Killers! They look so funny!

2. I'm so disgusted with Starbucks. (<-- This doesn't happen often. They put creamer in my coffee when I said, "NO creamer please." Don't they know milk anything makes me so sick lately? They should! I go there at least 4 times a week!)

3. Curtis Payne is one of my most favorite TV characters. He just makes me laugh really hard!

4. I started reading a Beth Moore book, and I can hear every word I'm reading in her voice.

5. I'm also reading CrazyLove, and the way it defines stress and worry really got to me. I'm so thankful for the way God speaks to us through all of His people.

6. I don't know why, but I love that movie Avatar!!

7. And I again I don't know why, but God gave me the BEST husband ever!! Tuesday, he made me feel like I was the most important person who ever walked the planet. He got off work early and brought me breakfast in bed. Then, after I got ready, we went to Springdale to get my new car!!!! ( Its a white 2006 nissan altima! I love it! ) After we got the car, we went down to Fayetteville so we could eat at Qdoba!! It's my favorite!! After Qdoba, we came back to Rogers and went to see Iron Man 2! After Iron Man 2, he took me shopping at Old Navy and Belk. Then after shopping, he took me to get ice cream. When we got home from getting ice cream, my momma was here waiting for a ride in my new car! So I took her for a ride and when we got back, the three of us went to Lifeway then TJ Maxx. And then went to dinner at Red Robin! Yummm! While we were at Red Robin, Jeff got a phone call reminding him of his softball games for the night, he had forgotten about! So my mom and I got to spend some time together, just the two of us! It was such a great day!!!!

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